how do i feel right now?
all of us panicked when we read the news about yong joon oppa's injuries...
somewhat, many of us are 'cool already...
in my case i just imagined that its really not that serious bec yj ssi can join the shooting after all.
but now....
sighs..... rumours says that he uses clutches, and he cant move properly alone.
what does this mean?
im so damn depressed. what is his real situation at the moment?
i think we will know it after some months... interviews and so on from staffs
but i so want to have those informations on my hands now...

whay am i so attached like this? it sometimes really feels weird...
one cause that im sure is bec he is my first love.
ha, marikoo onni said that its a lucky thing and bad thing at the same time.
lucky bec my first love is a good man
not good bec the standards are so high, how can i possibly find a man like that in 'real life
i still have a lot lot of years to think about that so i dont really think about it (--; )
if i ever catch a fallin star this week my only wish is for me to see a latest video in motion of this guy who makes many of the girls in the whole wide world worry...
yj oppa, sleep well and always take care...
btw here s a vod yearsssss ago untold scandal era. thanks to byjgallery