1. Tou,,,,,,c,,h,, her,,,,,, wai,,,,,,s,,t,,.
2. Act,,ua,,ll,,y tal,,k to her,,.
3. Sha,,re,, sec,,re,,ts,, wit,,h her,,.
4. Giv,,e her,, 1 of you,,r swe,,at,,sh,,ir,,ts
5. Kis,,s her,, slo,,wl,,y.
Are,, you,, rem,,em,,be,,ri,,ng thi,,s?,,
6. Hug,, her,,.
7. Hol,,d her,,.
8. Lau,,gh,, wit,,h her,,.
9. Inv,,it,,e her,, som,,ew,,he,,re,,.
10.,, Han,,go,,ut,, wit,,h her,, and,, you,,r fri,,en,,ds,, tog,,et,,he,,r.
11.,, Smi,,le,, wit,,h her,,.
12.,, Tak,,e pic,,tu,,re,,s wit,,h her,,.
13.,, Pul,,l her,, ont,,o you,,r lap,,.
14.,, Whe,,n she,, say,,s she,, lov,,es,, you,, mor,,e,,, den,,y it.,, Fig,,ht,, bac,,k.
15.,, Whe,,n her,, fri,,en,,ds,, say,, i lov,,e her,, mor,,e tha,,n you,,, den,,y it.,, fig,,ht,, bac,,k and,, hug,, her,, tig,,ht,, so she,, can,,'t,, get,, to her,, fri,,en,,ds,,. it mak,,es,, her,, fee,,l lov,,ed,,.
Are,, you,, thi,,nk,,in,,g of som,,eo,,ne,,? (who are you thinking? im sure thats the love of yours right? in my case....its yong joon oppa )
16.,, Alw,,ay,,s hug,, her,, and,, say,, hi whe,,ne,,ve,,r you,, see,, her,,.
17.,, Kis,,s her,, une,,xp,,ec,,te,,dly,,.
18.,, Hug,, her,, fro,,m beh,,in,,d aro,,un,,d the,, wai,,st,,.
19.,, Tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, bea,,ut,,if,,ul,,.
20.,, Tel,,l her,, the,, way,, you,, fee,,l abo,,ut,, her,,.
One,, las,,t thi,,ng,, you,, nee,,d to do to sho,,w her,, you,, act,,ua,,ll,,y do mea,,n it.
21.,, Ope,,n doo,,rs,, for,, her,,, wal,,k her,, to her,, car,,- it mak,,es,, her,, fee,,l pro,,te,,ct,,ed,,, plu,,s it nev,,er,, hur,,ts,, to act,, lik,,e a gen,,tl,,em,,an,,.
22.,, Tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, you,,r eve,,ry,,th,,in,,g - ONL,,Y if you,, mea,,n it. ,,
23. ,, If it see,,ms,, lik,,e the,,re,, is som,,et,,hi,,ng,, wro,,ng,,, ask,, her,,- if she,, den,,ie,,s som,,et,,hi,,ng,, bei,,ng,, wro,,ng,,, it mea,,ns,,
SHE,, DOE,,SN,,'T,, WAN,,T TO TAL,,K ABO,,UT,, IT-,, so jus,,t hug,, her,,
24.,, Mak,,e her,, fee,,l lov,,ed,,.
25 kis,,s her,, in fro,,nt,, of OTH,,ER,, gir,,ls,, you,, kno,,w
26-,,DO,,N',,T lie,, to her,,
27-,,DO,,N',,T che,,at,, on her,,!
28-,,ta,,ke,, her,, ANY,,WH,,ER,,E she,, wan,,ts,,
29-,,CA,,LL,, her,, in the,, mor,,ni,,ng,, and,, tel,,l her,, hav,,e a goo,,d day,, at wor,,k {or,, sch,,oo,,l},,, and,, how,, muc,,h you,, MIS,,S her,,.
30-,, be,, the,,re,, for,, her,, whe,,n eve,,r she,, nee,,ds,, you,,, & eve,,n whe,,n she,, doe,,sn,,'t,, nee,,d you,,, jus,,t be the,,re,, so she,,'l,,l kno,,w tha,,t she,, can,, ALW,,AY,,S cou,,nt,, on you,,.
ARE,, YOU,, STI,,LL,, REA,,DI,,NG,, THI,,S?,, YOU,, BET,,TE,,R BEC,,AU,,SE,,, IT',,S IMP,,OR,,TA,,NT,,
31.,, Hol,,d her,, clo,,se,, whe,,n she,,'s,, col,,d so she,, can,, hol,,d YOU,, too,,.
32.,, Whe,,n you,, are,, ALO,,NE,, hol,,d her,, clo,,se,, and,, kis,,s her,,.
33.,, Kis,,s her,, on the,, CHE,,EK,,; (it,, wil,,l giv,,e her,, the,, hin,,t tha,,t you,, wan,,t to kis,,s her,,). ,,
34.,, Whi,,le,, in the,, mov,,ie,,s,,, put,, you,,r arm,, aro,,un,,d her,, and,, the,,n she,, wil,,l aut,,om,,at,,ic,,all,,y put,, her,, hea,,d on you,,r sho,,ul,,de,,r,,, the,,n lea,,n in and,, til,,t her,, chi,,n up and,, kis,,s her,, LIG,,HT,,LY,,.
35.,, Don,,t EVE,,R tel,,l her,, to lea,,ve,, eve,,n jok,,in,,gl,,y or act,, lik,,e you,,'r,,e mad,,.
If she,,s ups,,et,,, com,,fo,,rt,, her,,
36.,, Whe,,n peo,,pl,,e DIS,,S her,,, sta,,nd,, up for,, her,,.
37.,, Loo,,k dee,,p int,,o her,, EYE,,S and,, tel,,l her,, you,, lov,,e her,,.
38. ,, Lay,, dow,,n und,,er,, the,, STA,,RS,, and,, put,, her,, hea,,d on you,,r che,,st,, so you,, can,, cud,,dl,,e
39.,, Whe,,n wal,,ki,,ng,, nex,,t to eac,,h oth,,er,, gra,,b her,, HAN,,D. ,,
40. ,, Whe,,n you,, hug,, her,, HOL,,D her,, in you,,r arm,,s as lon,,g as pos,,si,,bl,,e
41. ,, CAL,,L her,, EVE,,RY,, nig,,ht,, to wis,,h her,, SWE,,ET,, DRE,,AM,,S
42.,, COM,,FO,,RT,, her,, whe,,n she,, cri,,es,, and,, wip,,e awa,,y her,, tea,,rs,,.
43.,, Tak,,e her,, for,, LON,,G wal,,ks,, at nig,,ht,,.
44.,, ALW,,AY,,S Rem,,in,,d her,, how,, muc,,h you,, lov,,e her,,.
45.,, si,,t on top,, of her,, and,, tel,,l her,, how,, muc,,h u lov,,e her,, and,, the,,n ben,,d dow,,n to her,, fac,,e and,, kis,,s her,, whi,,le,, sit,,ti,,ng,, on her,,.
46. ,, Rub,, her,, bac,,k-,,-f,,ee,,ls goo,,d
47. ,, Giv,,e her,, you,,r hoo,,di,,e if she,,'s,, col,,d-,,-t,,ha,,ts alw,,ay,,s cut,,e :)
48.,, Wri,,te,, let,,te,,rs,, on her,, bac,,k wit,,h you,,r fin,,ge,,r-,,-f,,eel,,s goo,,d ;D
49. ,, Let,, her,, sit,, on you,,r lap,,
50.,, DON,,'T,, pok,,e her,, har,,d.,,..,,bu,,t if you,, wan,,t to mes,,s aro,,un,,d jus,,t do it lig,,ht,,ly,,.
51.,, HOL,,D her,, HAN,,D in PUB,,LI,,C. ,,
52.,, Eve,,n if she,, loo,,ks,, BAD,, one,, day,, tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, BEA,,UT,,IF,,UL,,
53.,, Kee,,p con,,ve,,rs,,at,,ion,,s flo,,wi,,ng,,..,,.ta,,lk,, abo,,ut,, any,,th,,in,,g usu,,al,,ly,, the,,y jus,,t go alo,,ng,, wit,,h it. ,,
54.,, If the,,ir,, hai,,r is in the,,ir,, fac,,e mov,,e it out,, of her,, fac,,e and,, the,,n kis,,s her,, pas,,si,,on,,at,,ely,, and,, gen,,tl,,y. ,,
55.,, Sur,,pr,,is,,in,,gly,, sne,,ak,, up on her,, and,, hug,, her,, fro,,m beh,,in,,d-,,-l,,ove,,s it.,,
56.,, Kis,,s her,, in the,, rai,,n,,
57.,, Pic,,k her,, up lik,,e in The,, Not,,eb,,oo,,k and,, kis,,s her,,.
58. ,, Slo,,w dan,,ce,, wit,,h no mus,,ic,,
59. ,, Don,,'t,, ign,,or,,e her,, or be ner,,vo,,us,, aro,,un,,d her,,--,,ev,,er,,yth,,in,,gs,, goi,,ng,, to be oka,,y
60.,, Lov,,e her,,, kis,,s her,,, hol,,d her,,, and,, you,,'l,,l be goo,,d to go. ,, ;D
61. ,, DON,,T LEA,,D HER,, ON!,,
62.,, Don,,t EVE,,R ign,,or,,e her,,.
Guy,,s Rep,,os,,t:,, "i wou,,ld,, do thi,,s for,, her,,"
Gir,,ls,, Rep,,os,,t:,, "62,, thi,,ng,,s a gir,,l wan,,ts,, but,, won,,t ask,, for,,"
and u dumbass guys dont repost if u dont really mean
how come ive already saw most of this in all of yong joon oppa's drama ?
hehehehe <3
62 thigs a girl wants but wont ask for
Posted by
Friday, March 21, 2008
today is mah graduation. instead of going to the MAIN ceremony i decided to not attend it ang do to the samll afterwards ceremony.
i didnt knwe that my mom cried. hwen i ask her whay she told me that she just remember my grandma. she talked her this morning and my grandma was also crying she said she's so happy for me. i love you too ma and lola.
i received my deploma, some small gifts ballpen and notebook from pta a signutre stamp adn the grauadtion photo book.
i was lookin at the book a while ago and i saw the 3yrs ago me ^^;
i saw the phtos when we went to shimizu park, and planitariums when i was on 1st year
and ofcourse the undo festival and chorus contes,t english speech contest and so on.
2nd year. i saw myself on MINAKAMi its a field trip in gunma ken. well actually thats the last one.
right after that minakami i stopped going to that school bec of stuffs and so ever....
like what i said ill boost myself again and ill go and start my new first step the day that SENIOR HIGH begins.
good luck to me!.
p.s. my grandam had the surgery she is ok she just have to past the 3 hard days bec she cant eat or drink any in that time. fighting lola! your granddaughter already graduated senior high so go for it and guess what maybe next month you'll receive monthly money but not from mama instead its... from me :)
Posted by
Friday, March 14, 2008
Headache( school ,YJ oppa <3)
i have a bad head ache at the moment....... :'( how can i get over with this >_< nu.....
i hope bloggin will help me in a miracly(new word, maybe) way.... -.-
todays er...wait* yah right. tuesday and ill have my graduation on friday and its bye bye for junior high.
i decided to take a entrance exam on a night school my reasons are
1. i think i can study here much without rushing myself bec instead of 3 yrs it will be 4yrs.
2. am planning to do a part time job in the mornin just so i cant practise my japanese more and of cos the thing that they called " learning to talk and cooperate with the comunity" ........>_<
3. i had some bad experience with the junior high years and i m planning to re start my self and go for it again here but first with a different environment.
4. i think i became a very lazy person in this 3 yrs....... and i think i can fix that this way.
and 5. diet......lol. but to think about it. its true bec if i sum up the time that i need to walk it would be a total of 1 hour, no? not enough? dont say that pls....
somethin happened to the bae world...... finally(i mean the time have come?) that imx passed the batton.
like many onni's said/ felt it was sad and i felt like crying when i read mr.son's post on job and esp when tomato san posted some photo's of YJ oppa and mgr.son on quilt......
the feelings that i felt are a little bit common with how i felt everytime my mom goes away and comes back here in japan. That was when i was around my early elementary days......
i hope everythings will go fine and here's a message prayer for my dear grandma who raised me .
"lola, dont be nervous that operation that you'll have tomorrow isnt that seriuos."
Its just a small surgery just like waht the doctor said you can go home after 3 days or just the day after tomorrow. Dont think about negative things, ok? I didnt like what you said the other day. Dont ever say that again. We arent there beside you but pls remember your always here inyour heart."
"wah.......im so stupid i just said that it aint a big surgery and no big deal but hear i am emoting ^^;
just fight for it wait for us and watch episode 2 of legend today, ok? hehe.... gnight and i love you."
dear god pls stay beside my grandma and pls let he know how we feel. make her strong and give him courage for this... thank you.
Posted by
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
o.o poor blog all alone ^^; sorry
anyways,,,,,,,,,,,,, its koko time (senior high)
i was just sooo busy doing many preparations for the exams.
now its kindda all done but im still not sure if i made it. i did the exam 2 days ago and gosh I WAs LATE!!!! and worse i was feeling so bad...
im so dumb that i tot since monthssss ago that 27 is thursday which turned out to be wednesday. nantonaku they let me go inside w/ no scolding or any.
i finished the mensetsu today (interview thingy) and i hope i made a good impression.
now my problem is in case that they let me study there. how on earth can i manage to go home without walking for hourssss?
the thing is i need more than one hour to arrive there. walk for around 5 mins to the bus stop. second ride tthe bus to the station for around 4o mins. third ride the rain for just 3 mins. fourt walk for like 20 min.
thats more than one hour right? if my math skills is still workin. and now here. the classes there would finish AT 9 PM. and the last bus that CAN take me near my house is 10:00PM.
how can i make it?
i should run everyday? yah at least ill lose some weight. but gosh just think about it what if the lecture goes until 9:20 what will happen to me ?????? >_< taxi? never..... yah i know its my foult if i could just ride a bike i can make it that way but....
what did i heared u saying start studying know........ >
HOW?!?!?!?!?!? im all alone....
Posted by
Thursday, February 28, 2008
a short message
how do i feel right now?
all of us panicked when we read the news about yong joon oppa's injuries...
somewhat, many of us are 'cool already...
in my case i just imagined that its really not that serious bec yj ssi can join the shooting after all.
but now....
sighs..... rumours says that he uses clutches, and he cant move properly alone.
what does this mean?
im so damn depressed. what is his real situation at the moment?
i think we will know it after some months... interviews and so on from staffs
but i so want to have those informations on my hands now...

whay am i so attached like this? it sometimes really feels weird...
one cause that im sure is bec he is my first love.
ha, marikoo onni said that its a lucky thing and bad thing at the same time.
lucky bec my first love is a good man
not good bec the standards are so high, how can i possibly find a man like that in 'real life
i still have a lot lot of years to think about that so i dont really think about it (--; )
if i ever catch a fallin star this week my only wish is for me to see a latest video in motion of this guy who makes many of the girls in the whole wide world worry...
yj oppa, sleep well and always take care...
btw here s a vod yearsssss ago untold scandal era. thanks to byjgallery
Posted by
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
YJ oppa in CHINA
Good morning.
Today's shooting is in DANYAN.
Yong Joon-ssi arrived around 9:20AM..
Today he was wearing a Fight (hunting?) cap, brown sunglasses and black jacket.
Maybe becouse he had a day off yesterday he had a bright expression.
He greeted the families w/ a great smile.. (*^^*)
about the ratings of yesterday's episode, 32.3% and 30.5% (from 2 different research companies
some vod's from the days when YJ oppa went to china :)

Posted by
Friday, November 23, 2007
read bb onni's post and i tried this....... ahhhh, not sure if true or not(@@????)
"too sensitive"???? yah actually im soooo over sensitive that im actually nuts...
Lets101 Quizzes - Fun Quiz
i also tried this .....hmmm.......
Lets101 Quizzes - Cool Meme
YONG JOON OPPA pls take care...
everybody is praying for you, just dont force yourself and im sure that everything would be fine.
Posted by
Thursday, November 22, 2007