1. Tou,,,,,,c,,h,, her,,,,,, wai,,,,,,s,,t,,.
2. Act,,ua,,ll,,y tal,,k to her,,.
3. Sha,,re,, sec,,re,,ts,, wit,,h her,,.
4. Giv,,e her,, 1 of you,,r swe,,at,,sh,,ir,,ts
5. Kis,,s her,, slo,,wl,,y.
Are,, you,, rem,,em,,be,,ri,,ng thi,,s?,,
6. Hug,, her,,.
7. Hol,,d her,,.
8. Lau,,gh,, wit,,h her,,.
9. Inv,,it,,e her,, som,,ew,,he,,re,,.
10.,, Han,,go,,ut,, wit,,h her,, and,, you,,r fri,,en,,ds,, tog,,et,,he,,r.
11.,, Smi,,le,, wit,,h her,,.
12.,, Tak,,e pic,,tu,,re,,s wit,,h her,,.
13.,, Pul,,l her,, ont,,o you,,r lap,,.
14.,, Whe,,n she,, say,,s she,, lov,,es,, you,, mor,,e,,, den,,y it.,, Fig,,ht,, bac,,k.
15.,, Whe,,n her,, fri,,en,,ds,, say,, i lov,,e her,, mor,,e tha,,n you,,, den,,y it.,, fig,,ht,, bac,,k and,, hug,, her,, tig,,ht,, so she,, can,,'t,, get,, to her,, fri,,en,,ds,,. it mak,,es,, her,, fee,,l lov,,ed,,.
Are,, you,, thi,,nk,,in,,g of som,,eo,,ne,,? (who are you thinking? im sure thats the love of yours right? in my case....its yong joon oppa )
16.,, Alw,,ay,,s hug,, her,, and,, say,, hi whe,,ne,,ve,,r you,, see,, her,,.
17.,, Kis,,s her,, une,,xp,,ec,,te,,dly,,.
18.,, Hug,, her,, fro,,m beh,,in,,d aro,,un,,d the,, wai,,st,,.
19.,, Tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, bea,,ut,,if,,ul,,.
20.,, Tel,,l her,, the,, way,, you,, fee,,l abo,,ut,, her,,.
One,, las,,t thi,,ng,, you,, nee,,d to do to sho,,w her,, you,, act,,ua,,ll,,y do mea,,n it.
21.,, Ope,,n doo,,rs,, for,, her,,, wal,,k her,, to her,, car,,- it mak,,es,, her,, fee,,l pro,,te,,ct,,ed,,, plu,,s it nev,,er,, hur,,ts,, to act,, lik,,e a gen,,tl,,em,,an,,.
22.,, Tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, you,,r eve,,ry,,th,,in,,g - ONL,,Y if you,, mea,,n it. ,,
23. ,, If it see,,ms,, lik,,e the,,re,, is som,,et,,hi,,ng,, wro,,ng,,, ask,, her,,- if she,, den,,ie,,s som,,et,,hi,,ng,, bei,,ng,, wro,,ng,,, it mea,,ns,,
SHE,, DOE,,SN,,'T,, WAN,,T TO TAL,,K ABO,,UT,, IT-,, so jus,,t hug,, her,,
24.,, Mak,,e her,, fee,,l lov,,ed,,.
25 kis,,s her,, in fro,,nt,, of OTH,,ER,, gir,,ls,, you,, kno,,w
26-,,DO,,N',,T lie,, to her,,
27-,,DO,,N',,T che,,at,, on her,,!
28-,,ta,,ke,, her,, ANY,,WH,,ER,,E she,, wan,,ts,,
29-,,CA,,LL,, her,, in the,, mor,,ni,,ng,, and,, tel,,l her,, hav,,e a goo,,d day,, at wor,,k {or,, sch,,oo,,l},,, and,, how,, muc,,h you,, MIS,,S her,,.
30-,, be,, the,,re,, for,, her,, whe,,n eve,,r she,, nee,,ds,, you,,, & eve,,n whe,,n she,, doe,,sn,,'t,, nee,,d you,,, jus,,t be the,,re,, so she,,'l,,l kno,,w tha,,t she,, can,, ALW,,AY,,S cou,,nt,, on you,,.
ARE,, YOU,, STI,,LL,, REA,,DI,,NG,, THI,,S?,, YOU,, BET,,TE,,R BEC,,AU,,SE,,, IT',,S IMP,,OR,,TA,,NT,,
31.,, Hol,,d her,, clo,,se,, whe,,n she,,'s,, col,,d so she,, can,, hol,,d YOU,, too,,.
32.,, Whe,,n you,, are,, ALO,,NE,, hol,,d her,, clo,,se,, and,, kis,,s her,,.
33.,, Kis,,s her,, on the,, CHE,,EK,,; (it,, wil,,l giv,,e her,, the,, hin,,t tha,,t you,, wan,,t to kis,,s her,,). ,,
34.,, Whi,,le,, in the,, mov,,ie,,s,,, put,, you,,r arm,, aro,,un,,d her,, and,, the,,n she,, wil,,l aut,,om,,at,,ic,,all,,y put,, her,, hea,,d on you,,r sho,,ul,,de,,r,,, the,,n lea,,n in and,, til,,t her,, chi,,n up and,, kis,,s her,, LIG,,HT,,LY,,.
35.,, Don,,t EVE,,R tel,,l her,, to lea,,ve,, eve,,n jok,,in,,gl,,y or act,, lik,,e you,,'r,,e mad,,.
If she,,s ups,,et,,, com,,fo,,rt,, her,,
36.,, Whe,,n peo,,pl,,e DIS,,S her,,, sta,,nd,, up for,, her,,.
37.,, Loo,,k dee,,p int,,o her,, EYE,,S and,, tel,,l her,, you,, lov,,e her,,.
38. ,, Lay,, dow,,n und,,er,, the,, STA,,RS,, and,, put,, her,, hea,,d on you,,r che,,st,, so you,, can,, cud,,dl,,e
39.,, Whe,,n wal,,ki,,ng,, nex,,t to eac,,h oth,,er,, gra,,b her,, HAN,,D. ,,
40. ,, Whe,,n you,, hug,, her,, HOL,,D her,, in you,,r arm,,s as lon,,g as pos,,si,,bl,,e
41. ,, CAL,,L her,, EVE,,RY,, nig,,ht,, to wis,,h her,, SWE,,ET,, DRE,,AM,,S
42.,, COM,,FO,,RT,, her,, whe,,n she,, cri,,es,, and,, wip,,e awa,,y her,, tea,,rs,,.
43.,, Tak,,e her,, for,, LON,,G wal,,ks,, at nig,,ht,,.
44.,, ALW,,AY,,S Rem,,in,,d her,, how,, muc,,h you,, lov,,e her,,.
45.,, si,,t on top,, of her,, and,, tel,,l her,, how,, muc,,h u lov,,e her,, and,, the,,n ben,,d dow,,n to her,, fac,,e and,, kis,,s her,, whi,,le,, sit,,ti,,ng,, on her,,.
46. ,, Rub,, her,, bac,,k-,,-f,,ee,,ls goo,,d
47. ,, Giv,,e her,, you,,r hoo,,di,,e if she,,'s,, col,,d-,,-t,,ha,,ts alw,,ay,,s cut,,e :)
48.,, Wri,,te,, let,,te,,rs,, on her,, bac,,k wit,,h you,,r fin,,ge,,r-,,-f,,eel,,s goo,,d ;D
49. ,, Let,, her,, sit,, on you,,r lap,,
50.,, DON,,'T,, pok,,e her,, har,,d.,,..,,bu,,t if you,, wan,,t to mes,,s aro,,un,,d jus,,t do it lig,,ht,,ly,,.
51.,, HOL,,D her,, HAN,,D in PUB,,LI,,C. ,,
52.,, Eve,,n if she,, loo,,ks,, BAD,, one,, day,, tel,,l her,, she,,'s,, BEA,,UT,,IF,,UL,,
53.,, Kee,,p con,,ve,,rs,,at,,ion,,s flo,,wi,,ng,,..,,.ta,,lk,, abo,,ut,, any,,th,,in,,g usu,,al,,ly,, the,,y jus,,t go alo,,ng,, wit,,h it. ,,
54.,, If the,,ir,, hai,,r is in the,,ir,, fac,,e mov,,e it out,, of her,, fac,,e and,, the,,n kis,,s her,, pas,,si,,on,,at,,ely,, and,, gen,,tl,,y. ,,
55.,, Sur,,pr,,is,,in,,gly,, sne,,ak,, up on her,, and,, hug,, her,, fro,,m beh,,in,,d-,,-l,,ove,,s it.,,
56.,, Kis,,s her,, in the,, rai,,n,,
57.,, Pic,,k her,, up lik,,e in The,, Not,,eb,,oo,,k and,, kis,,s her,,.
58. ,, Slo,,w dan,,ce,, wit,,h no mus,,ic,,
59. ,, Don,,'t,, ign,,or,,e her,, or be ner,,vo,,us,, aro,,un,,d her,,--,,ev,,er,,yth,,in,,gs,, goi,,ng,, to be oka,,y
60.,, Lov,,e her,,, kis,,s her,,, hol,,d her,,, and,, you,,'l,,l be goo,,d to go. ,, ;D
61. ,, DON,,T LEA,,D HER,, ON!,,
62.,, Don,,t EVE,,R ign,,or,,e her,,.
Guy,,s Rep,,os,,t:,, "i wou,,ld,, do thi,,s for,, her,,"
Gir,,ls,, Rep,,os,,t:,, "62,, thi,,ng,,s a gir,,l wan,,ts,, but,, won,,t ask,, for,,"
and u dumbass guys dont repost if u dont really mean
how come ive already saw most of this in all of yong joon oppa's drama ?
hehehehe <3
62 thigs a girl wants but wont ask for
Posted by MYMY at Friday, March 21, 2008
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