I made up my mind...
I'll type down all the things that I remember....
OK, then here it goes.....
Remember YJ went here in Japan a couple of months a go?
Yes, I saw him at the airport!!!
We were heading to narita to welcome my grandparentsand we were there 1 hour ahead...
We were just sitting at a bench and waiting for the airplane to arrive.....
In Narita there are many doors or how can i say that..... exit? or entrance....
Outside that door there are familys waiting for there love ones.....
In Narita there are A door B door and so on...
So, we were just sitting there talking and everything, and we saw that there are some people lining in the other opposite door where we are...
We didn't bother to look at it becouse the airplane from Philippines already came
I told my mom that I need to go to the restroom first .
I went to the restroom and unfortunately there are too many people in there......
I went back to my mom and told her that I'll look for another restroom.
I saw another restroom w/ less crowd so I went in...
Before going out of the restrom my mom ring my cellphone , I told her that I'll be back in a jippy...
Actually, the restroom that I went to was just next to the door were there were many people lining for whatsoever...
I dont have time so I decided not to wonder around, but out of a sudden I kindda smelled something sweet and then I look at my left to see where it came from ..... Believe it or not I saw YJ!!!
He was just about a meter from me and there was just a rope between us...
I'm so lucky no one was blocking at me at that time...
I can't believe it. If you saw my face then you'll laugh for an hour.....
I was really shocked, my eyes are poppin, and my mouth was open
And know what?
YJ saw me! I'm sure.......
I'm sure she remember these girl 165cm, morena, have a very big eyes, a big nose, and a big mouth hanging open........
lol, I don't have that big eyes, that big nose, or even not that big mouth, but I'm sure that was what he remember about me.....
Your asking me how sure I am?
I am 1000% sure!!!
Want to know why...
Becouse he kindda communicate with me.....
As I had told you he saw me standing just right at his side with an open mouth......
He was looking straight at me and asking me if im OK in a half laughing voice...
Maybe he is laughing becouse of my expression
lol, Maybe your thinking I'm so lucky becouse he saw me
I think every body want YJ to see our best features, right?
As I told you my mouth was hanging open!!!
What did I answer to his question ?
I don't know where I got the guts to tell him 'ne'...
He was a little shocked, maybe becouse he thought I can't understand him...
Want to know my expression after he asked me???
Yes, I managed to move my mouth a little, to say 'ne' but
it came back hanging after that...... lol
That happened for about 5 seconds, really fast, huh?....
After giving me the 'I was shocked a little' expression he bowed his head a little to me and walked away fast...
I came back to my mom stunned...
I was really thinking of bb at that time and all of the ID'S i saw or names of the Bae family members.....
I don't know why but that was the 1st thing entered my head after that miracle moment...
My mom asked me what's wrong i told her "NOTHING" and that was not like me >>>
My mom don't know about this
I don't know if I'll tell her but......
I now know the feeling of the persons I met before, telling me they want to keep it to them at the moment.....
Thanks 4 reading this 'my first(i hope not the last)' encounter of mine.
My Encounter With The Prince
Posted by
Saturday, November 18, 2006
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are you serious?!
i can't believe you were that close!!! ahhh...!!!
hehe, after my own encounter with him in samcheok last feb, i also believe it's best to be prepared. like think through in your head what you want to say... coz the moment you really see him standing right in front of you, your mind will blank out :p
wonderful encounter!
and you.... you...!! how could you keep it from us for sooooo... long?!!
hee... you were thinking of me and the other bae-sisters? how sweet! thanks for sharing :)
you go, girlfriend! lucky U!
what a moment you had! and only now you are sharing with us?? just like bb said...why did you keep it a secret for so long?? (i'm teasing ya).
i'm loving your blog and again i love all the emoticons you post.
take care!
I'm sorry bb onni, im really sorry.
i know i shouldn't had kept it but...
you know...
i cant help it....
miyaneyo, onni.... :(
vegas onni (you would not mind me calling u day, right?)
don't tease me anymore...
i feel so sellfish already...
thank you for visiting :-p
no problem, no worries!
it's all good!
take care!
luv ya!
vegas onni!!!
thank you...
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